Upcoming Solo Show - Recent Landscapes


The landscapes in this show were created as a series of variations and interpretations of each other. I created the initial 12”x12” paintings based on working on location as well as from photos that I took of a particular local.

I then created the smaller 5”x5” pieces from looking at the original 12” squ paintings creating one step away from the original source.

Then I created several larger palette knife paintings in oil (30”squ) from the tiny ones to see how each step away from the original would alter these images.

I also used different media and tools as I changed the scale to see what the effects would be.

I am now pushing these images further by creating painted layers to further work the idea of mutation by varying my materials and mediums.

My art is an ongoing journey in which I seek to explore new ways to express what I see around me. 

I hope to see old and new faces at this next show.

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